Introduction of the Department of Food Quality and Safety

Time:2021-06-03 Click:

The Department of Food Quality and Safety was founded in June 2015 with the optimization and adjustment of related disciplines by Jilin University. The department is attached to the Faculty of Engineering, Jilin University, and is located on the western campus.  

The Food Quality and Safety program has a long history, originating from the Veterinary Food Hygiene and Inspection program founded by the Veterinary University of PLA in 1978. In 1984, the Department of Veterinary Food Hygiene and Inspection was founded in the University of Veterinary Medicine, and started postgraduate enrolment subsequently. In 1987, the department was awarded the Animal Food Testing Center of PLA, and was granted one of the earliest PhD programs in China concerning animal food hygiene and inspection. In 2004, the former Quartermaster University PLA was renamed as the Faculty of Agriculture, Jilin University, and the Department of Quartermaster Engineering was replaced by the College of Quartermaster Science and Technology, enrolling undergraduate students majoring in food quality and safety. Since merging with Jilin University, the department has been rapidly developing, under the support of " Project 211" and "Project 985 ", the PhD program of food science and engineering as well as the 12th Five-Year Key Project of Jilin Province.

The department has eighteen faculty members at the moment, of whom seven are professors, nine are associate professors and two are lecturers. Seventeen have doctorates; seven are PhD supervisors; thirteen are MS supervisors; one is titled New Century Outstanding Talent by the Ministry of Education; fourteen have overseas working or educational backgrounds; ten have post-doctoral working experiences.

Directed by the training goal featuring food hygiene inspection, faculty members deal with research in four directions: food nutrition and safety detection, food safety control theory and technology, screening and mechanism research of natural antibiotics against food-borne pathogens, food safety and human health.