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Zhao Ping

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Zhao Ping, lecturer, School of food science and engineering, Jilin University. Research direction: structure of porous starch.



2006.09 – 2008.06, master of business administration, business school, Jilin University

1996.09 - 2000.06, bachelor of food science and engineering, College of biology and agricultural engineering, Jilin University

Working Experience

2006 / 09 – present, lecturer, School of food science and engineering, Jilin University

From October 2004 to August 2006, assistant professor, Department of food science and engineering, College of Quartermaster science and technology, Jilin University

From July 2000 to September 2004, assistant professor, School of plant science, quartermaster University


Operation and management of food enterprises; Marketing; High and new technology of food processing; Food standards and regulations

Peer-reviewed articles

1Ke Wang, Jia Wang, Ping Zhao∗, Songyi Lin∗, Bolong Liu, Jingbo Liu, Gregory Jones, Hsiang-Chi HuangOptimized PEF treatment for antioxidant polypeptides with MW 10–30 kDa and preliminary analysis of structure changeInternational Journal of Biological Macromolecules, Volume 51, Issue 5, pp 819-825, December 2012

2Jia Wang, Ke Wang, Songyi Lin∗, Ping Zhao, Gregory Jones, Hung Trang, Jingbo Liu, Haiqing Ye Improvement of antioxidant activity of peptides with molecular weights ranging from 1 to 10 kDa by PEF technologyInternational Journal of Biological Macromolecules, Volume 51, Issue 3, pp244-249 October 2012.

3Ke Wang, JiaWang, Bolong Liu, Songyi Lin∗, Ping Zhao, Jingbo Liu, Gregory Jones and Hsiang-Chi Huang Effects on DPPH inhibition of egg-white protein polypeptides treated by pulsed electric field technologyJ Sci Food Agric (2012)

4Jia Wang, Ke Wang, Ping Zhao, Songyi Lin*, Gregory Jones, Hsiang-Chi HuangA novel application of pulsed electric field (PEF) processing for improving glutathione (GSH) antioxidant activityfood chemistryManuscript Number: FOODCHEM-D-12-02222 Current Status Under Review.

5Songyi Lin, Yan Jin, Ping Zhao, Yong Pang, Haiqing Ye, Yuan Yuan, Jingbo Liu*, Gregory Jones Multiple toxicity studies of antioxidant peptides derived from egg white with miceFood and Chemical Toxicology Manuscript Number: FCT-D-13-00208Current Status Under Review.

6Songyi Lin, Jia Wang, Ping Zhao, Yong Pang, Haiqing Ye, Yuan Yuan, Jingbo Liu*, Gregory JonesOptimized enzymatic hydrolysis condition for antioxidant peptides and analysis secondary structure by MIRInternational Journal of Biological MacromoleculesManuscript Number: IJBIOMAC-D-13-00150Current Status Under Review.